Secure, exchange, enhance.

Coopérative, négociant, start-up AgriTech, agrofournisseur, chambre d’agriculture, institut technique, industriel agroalimentaire,
organisme public ou collectivité territoriale, les données agricoles sont dès maintenant,
et le seront encore plus demain, au cœur de vos activités.

By and for the agricultural and agrifood sector

Founded by and for the agricultural sector, Agdatahub is the leading agricultural and agri-food
data intermediation platform in France and Europe.

Our aim: to help every player in the sector to better respond to the food
and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.


Access a catalog of qualified data

Data offers appearing in the public catalog (visible on simple registration) can be filtered by license type, industry, geographical area and data type. Are you looking for a technical repository, laboratory data or public data?

Set up monitoring and alerts, and be notified as soon as data relevant to your business becomes available.


Secure transactions

Access data whose suppliers have all been authenticated, guaranteeing their reliability. Whether the files or APIs you're interested in are offered free of charge or monetized, you can access automatically generated samples. This allows you to assess the suitability of the files before concluding the transaction and retrieving them.

Use the integrated messaging system to communicate directly with your supplier and keep a record of your exchanges.

Simple data recovery

All data exchanges are subject to a license, even for free and public data. Once the contract has been signed with the data issuer, you are guaranteed secure access to the data via the platform, and data retrieval is just a click away. By subscribing to a recurring offer, you are automatically notified when new files are made available.

Finally, you can connect an external storage space to the platform to automate recovery.

In the field, focus on a use case

Even better cattle feed

A feed manufacturer wants to optimize its supply chain by accessing data on the characteristics and nutritional requirements of cattle. This data is essential for developing feed formulations adapted to different animal growth phases. However, manufacturers face difficulties in accessing this data, as it is scattered between different sources and is not always available in a timely fashion.

Data sets used

Nutritional characteristics of different breeds of cattle
Specific nutritional requirements according to animal age and stage of development
Data from breeders and research organizations


Feed manufacturers
Cattle breeders
Agricultural research organizations
Breeding organizations
Livestock advisory services

Solutions deployed

Access to a ruminant platform and a catalog of available data offers
Management of authorization requests from breeders for access to data and verification of validity
Operational consulting and technical support


Development of more precise feed formulations tailored to cattle needs
Improved animal health and growth thanks to a more balanced diet, contributing to more efficient and profitable livestock farming.
Reduce production costs and improve formulation processes
Optimize herd feeding and improve farm profitability

Expose your agricultural data and give it visibility

By making your datasets and APIs available via our EXCHANGE service and displaying your expertise there, you join a qualified community of industry players, all sectors combined, with whom to exchange and do business in a framework of trust.

In just a few clicks, gain visibility and find outlets for your data.


Secure your data and stay in control

We take on the role of trusted third party to offer you a secure exchange framework. Firstly, the identity of each registered member is scrupulously verified and validated, enabling us to qualify both senders and buyers of agricultural data.

Secondly, you retain control over the circulation of your files or APIs, as interested users will only be able to access them if you agree, and on your own terms.

Promote your data and develop new uses
From your dashboard and from the catalog, cross-reference your sources, personalize your offers or update your data!
To help you be as efficient as possible, our support team will assist you in managing and structuring your data offers, as well as in monetizing them.

Access additional services (algorithms, data visualization) to assess the quality and scope of your data.

In the field, focus on a use case

Interoperability of spraying data

Stakeholders in agricultural machinery are working to develop a common data repository in order to make them interoperable, for the different economic and environmental performance objectives of the agricultural operation and its partners, in the context of the application of new European regulations requiring data portability and interoperability between machinists and farmers (end users).

Data sets used

Plot data
Data on the use of plant protection products
Declarative and administrative data
Intervention data


Players in the agricultural machinery sector
FMIS as data providers
Public bodies, administrations
Embedded software publishers

Solutions deployed

Manager for authorising farms to use their data
Agdatahub Exchange data intermediation platform


Optimisation of spraying operations
Interoperability of the tractor console, calculation tools and OADs with plot management software
Better monitoring of equipment

Benefit from support tailor-made for your data projects

Do you have agricultural data-related projects? Our experts can provide operational consulting and technical support on all issues related to the use of agricultural data.

We're here to help you adopt more sustainable and efficient practices, thanks to digital technology!


Set and maintain your data course by involving your teams

As part of your subscription to our Exchange and Consent solutions, you'll receive support in getting to grips with our platforms and training your teams in their use.

As well as providing resources (documentation, online support, etc.), we help your staff to get to grips with our tools, so that you can quickly make the most of your subscriptions.


Make a success of your digital transformation


In addition to our permission and data exchange management solutions, Agdatahub works closely with you in the design and initialization phases of data enhancement.


Once the solutions are in place in your organization, we provide you with deliverables and methodological notes to guarantee your autonomy and the deployment of your projects.

In the field, focus on a use case

Optimization of logistics in the cereal sector

The various players in the cereal sector want to improve the economic and environmental performance of their logistics, which are currently poorly optimized (empty returns, bulk management, etc.).
These players have grasped the benefit of working together by pooling their data exchanges within a private group on the intermediation platform, thus supplying in a neutral and secure manner a processing and artificial intelligence application dedicated to logistics. , while respecting their competitive challenges.

Data sets used

Type of product and volume
Loading and unloading logistics data
Mode of transport and vehicle size
Algorithm for calculating indicators


Players in the cereals industry
Cooperatives / Merchants
Port silos
International merchants
1st transformation industrialists
Processing partner : AI Cargo

Solutions deployed

Mapping of existing data flows
Deployment of business applications
Agdatahub Exchange data intermediation platform configured as a private group


Anticipate future tensions on the availability of infrastructures and visualise the critical points of logistics flows in France, from collection silos to industrial customers or port silos
Gain margin points on logistics costs by pooling and securing data exchanges
Make available the flow data transmitted by each link in the chain, while respecting the sensitivity of the information
Mutualise the massification of data transactions within the cereals industry, to be cross-referenced with information on the infrastructures used (river, road and rail transport)

Agdatahub, the intermediation platform
for agricultural and agri-food data

Agdatahub federates public and private players in the agricultural sector around a single ambition: to provide agriculture with a shared, sovereign technological infrastructure to guarantee the digital development of agriculture and agri-food in France and Europe.


profession agricole
Matinale AID
standardisation données agricoles