Press release

Agdatahub raises €4.8m to boost the development of a French and European agricultural infratech within a framework of trust

Agdatahub, €4.8 million raised for a shared ambition: interconnecting 380,000 farms with their 85,000 partners in France

Agdatahub, France's first intermediary platform for agricultural data, aims to provide the country's 380,000 farms and all players in the sector with innovative tools that take account of farmers' consent to the use of their data.

This ambition is now shared with new players. To support its development, Agdatahub has raised a further €4.8m. Avril, InVivo and IN Groupe, a technology partner for the development of digital identities for farmers, have all acquired stakes in the company alongside its historical partners: the agricultural holding company API-Agro and Banque des Territoires. The fund-raising was completed by financing from Capgemini, on the one hand, and from Banque des Territoires, on behalf of the French government (as part of France 2030 Territoires d'innovation - Winners: Dijon Métropole and Occitanum, a project coordinated by the INRAE Occitanie Montpellier and Toulouse centres - Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement), on the other.

The arrival of these new players and the increased commitment of certain long-standing partners, such as IN Groupe, are in line with Agdatahub's vision and demonstrate the need to structure the circulation of agricultural data, from farm to table. This is essential if we are to strengthen trust between producers and consumers and meet the challenges of today.

By organising an ecosystem of major groups and innovative structures around it, Agdatahub is providing industries with the keys to a digital and agro-ecological transformation of the agricultural sector, in favour of sustainability and France's digital and food sovereignty.

Agdatahub, solutions for the massification of uses today

Agdatahub already offers two flagship solutions for the various agricultural sectors and their partners:

  • Agritrust : Agritrust is a solution for managing farmers' consent to the use of their data, based on the very first agricultural digital identity (developed in co-innovation with Orange Business Services and IN Groupe). Aimed at digital service providers for farms and available in the form of paid subscriptions, Agritrust is also a free mobile application for farmers.
  • API-Agro : API-Agro, the first platform for the exchange of multi-sector agricultural data, acts as a trusted third party between holders and users of agricultural data. Launched in 2019, the platform now has more than 2,000 subscribers. Various subscription formulas (including a first level free of charge) allow players in the sectors to access its many functions and exchange data in complete security and transparency.

These two solutions have been designed to meet the needs of players in the agricultural sectors in terms of disseminating data for the purposes of innovations beneficial to the agricultural profession, but also to meet the transparency demanded by consumers, while complying with European regulations on non-personal data (Data Governance Act, in application from September 2023, and Data Act, currently under discussion).

Agdatahub also provides operational consultancy services as part of its Capdata activity. The aim is to implement practical examples of how data can be used in the industry. At the Salon International de l'Agriculture (25 February to 5 March), Agdatahub will be demonstrating this on its stand, with demonstrators dedicated to the wine industry, the carbon economy and environmental labelling.

Press contact
Julie Menez • • tel. 33 (0)6 70 36 24 54

About Agdatahub SAS
Agdatahub operates its trusted third-party data intermediation platform dedicated to the agricultural and agri-food sector with its Exchange, Consent and Connect services. In support of these solutions, Agdatahub provides operational consultancy (project management, technologies, marketing) to support players in the agricultural and agri-food sectors in the use of their data with the Capdata service.

About API-Agro SAS
Initially a research project on agricultural data initiated by the Technical Institutes and the Chambers of Agriculture with the support of the French Ministry of Agriculture, API-Agro gave rise to a data exchange platform and a simplified joint stock company (SAS) made up of 30 partners representing the agricultural sector. API-Agro SAS is now a holding company which is one of the partners in Agdatahub's majority agricultural business alongside InVivo and Avril. The agricultural holding company API-Agro SAS has 31 partners: Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles, Chambres d'Agriculture France (agricultural development college); APPA, Atol CD, Eliance, FIEA, Fredon, GDS France, Gènes Diffusion, GS1 France, Isagri, Seenergi, Sofiprotéol, Syngenta France, Terrasolis, Unigrains, Unissia, Zekat (private partners college), and Geves (public partners college).

About Avril
Founded in 1983 on the initiative of the agricultural world, Avril is the industrial and financial player in the French vegetable oil and protein sector. Present in 19 countries, the Group generated sales of 6.9 billion euros in 2021. It employs 7,350 people at 73 industrial sites around the world. For 40 years, the Group has remained faithful to its original mission: to feed people and animals and preserve the planet. Faced with today's challenges, Avril has chosen to reaffirm its power to act, through the expression of its raison d'être: Serving the Earth.
More about Avril: : / Twitter @Avril / LinkedIn Avril

About InVivo Group
The InVivo group is one of Europe's leading agricultural groups, with sales of almost €12 billion, more than half of which is generated in France, and a workforce of 14,500, including 11,000 in France. With operations in 38 countries, it has more than 90 industrial sites, including 63 in France. This pillar of food sovereignty operates across the entire value chain, from farm to fork, and is a leader in each of its four main strategic businesses: International Grain Trading; Agriculture; Agri-food (Malting, Wheat Division, Wine); Garden Centre and Food Distribution. A cross-functional global centre for innovative and digital solutions completes the set-up to accelerate the transformation of these businesses towards the 3rd agricultural revolution.
For more information: / Twitter @InVivoGroup

About IN Groupe
A global specialist in secure digital identity and services, IN Groupe is the trusted partner in the management and protection of sensitive data. IN Groupe is committed to the most protective and secure digital identity schemes and transactions. By mastering the entire identity value chain for individuals and objects, IN Groupe has extended its expertise beyond government identity by developing solutions and services based on professional and object identities. Whatever the issue at stake, IN Groupe, a digital sovereignty company, helps to assert a fundamental right for everyone: the Right to be Yourself. IN Groupe operates three affiliated brands, SPS for electronic components, Surys for optical and holographic security and Nexus for corporate and IoT digital identity solutions, all of which have market-leading technologies.
IN GROUPE IN FIGURES (2021 TURNOVER): €453m - 1,800 employees - 9 sites in Europe - 8 sales offices worldwide + 130 countries use IN Groupe solutions - 30 partner governments.
For more information: / Twitter @IN_Groupe / LinkedIn IN Groupe

About Banque des Territoires
Created in 2018, Banque des Territoires is one of Caisse des Dépôts' five business lines. It brings together in a single structure the internal expertise aimed at the territories. As a single point of entry for customers, it offers tailor-made advisory and financing solutions for loans and investments to meet the needs of local authorities, social housing bodies, local public companies and the legal professions. It is aimed at all regions, from rural areas to metropolitan areas, with the ambition of combating social inequalities and territorial divides. Banque des Territoires is deployed in Caisse des Dépôts' 16 regional directorates and 37 local offices in order to be better identified with its customers and as close to them as possible.
For more attractive, inclusive, sustainable and connected territories.
For more information: / Twitter @BanqueDesTerr

About France 2030
Transforming key sectors of our economy (healthcare, energy, automotive, aeronautics and space) over the long term through technological innovation, and positioning France not just as a player, but as a leader in the world of tomorrow. From fundamental research, to the emergence of an idea, right through to the production of a new product or service, France 2030 supports the entire life cycle of innovation, right through to its industrialisation.
Unprecedented in its scale: €54bn will be invested to ensure that our businesses, universities and research bodies are able to successfully make the transition in these strategic sectors. The aim is to enable them to respond competitively to the ecological and attractiveness challenges of the world ahead, and to develop the future leaders of our sectors of excellence. France 2030 is defined by two cross-cutting objectives: to devote 50% of its expenditure to decarbonising the economy, and 50% to emerging players who are driving innovation without spending money that is detrimental to the environment (in line with the Do No Significant Harm principle).
It is being implemented collectively: designed and deployed in consultation with economic, academic, local and European players to determine the strategic directions and flagship actions. Project leaders are invited to submit their applications via open, demanding and selective procedures to benefit from the State's support.
Est is steered by the General Secretariat for Investment on behalf of the Prime Minister and implemented by the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME), the National Research Agency (ANR), Bpifrance and the Banque des Territoires.
More information on: france2030. | @SGPI_avenir

agdatahub cessation de paiements
agdatahub cessation de paiements
profession agricole