The traceability of French soya

The members of the French oilseed (Terres Univia) want to promote sustainable practices in the French soybean industry and improve product traceability, from the field to consumption as food or feed. To achieve these objectives of greater transparency in the sector, a number of data sets from different sources need to be made accessible within the various links in the chain.
Data sets used
> Plot data
> Intervention data
> Data on the origin of raw materials
> Production data
> Cooperatives / Merchants
> Food manufacturers (processing /crushing)
> Animal feed manufacturers
> Livestock farmers
> Slaughterhouses
Solutions deployed
> Manager for authorising farms to use their data
> Agdatahub Exchange data intermediation platform
> Greater competitiveness on the market: justifying a higher price for farms and guaranteeing that no deforestation will occur as a result of growing soya
> Value creation for farms thanks to the payment of a dedicated premium
> Improved control of raw materials and their origin