
Intermédiaire de données : quelle valeur ajoutée pour les startups et les acteurs des filières ?

The recent status of data intermediary is enshrined in the European regulations on non-personal data (Data Governance Act - DGA) and the SREN law recently passed in France. As a trusted third party, its role is to secure and facilitate the circulation of data between its owners and users. Since its creation in 2020, and ahead of the regulations, this has been Agdatahub's mission through its EXCHANGE and CONSENT solutions.

The data intermediary helps to guarantee the controlled use of data and to balance the forces between players in a decentralised market. In our sector, this means guaranteeing a climate of digital trust between the 400,000 French farms and their historical partners or the start-ups developing new digital services that can be data-intensive to operate, particularly with AI.

intermédiaire de données

Secure data transactions to support business use cases

It's quite simple: tomorrow (and even today!), in order to comply with European regulations, all players in the agricultural and agri-food sectors wishing to distribute or use data will be able to use a trusted third party capable of exposing their data and/or securing their data sourcing, whatever the format (file or API). This is already possible via the intermediation platform operated by Agdatahub.

To take transparency and farmers' control over the use of their data a step further, Agdatahub, with the support of its technology partners, has developed the first agricultural digital identity on which its consent management solution is based: Consent. It is currently being implemented and deployed on the MesParcelles FMIS.

The idea? Firstly, to ensure that farmers consent to the circulation of their data, and secondly, to ensure the reliability of the data by keeping a record of its origin. The datasets can then be displayed on the data exchange platform, in compliance with consent, and fed into the decision-making tools.

Car des données actualisées et fiables sont nécessaires au développement des outils qui vont permettre, concernant le secteur agricole, d’économiser les ressources naturelles, d’optimiser les usages des intrants, d’améliorer les conditions de travail et les performances économiques des exploitations. Nous avons donc tous à y gagner !
