Access to agricultural data for innovative digital services

In preparation for the next growing season, a cooperative wants to access its members’ farming practices via the plot management tool (FMIS MesParcelles) to feed its digital technical advice services to farmers. This tool enables farmers to modulate their inputs and simulate their yields according to their choice of technical itineraries.
Data sets used
> Plot data
> Intervention data
> Cartographic data
> Cooperatives / Merchants
> Plot management system (FMIS)
> Chambers of agriculture
Solutions deployed
> Access to the catalogue of data offers
> Publication of the FMIS MesParcelles API on the Agdatahub Exchange platform
> Inscription, formation et prise en main de l’utilisateur de données et gestionnaire pour recueillir les autorisations à l’usage des données en provenance des exploitations agricoles
> Access to reliable agricultural data to develop high-performance digital services
> The ability to offer advanced decision-support tools, strengthening customer relations and the relevance of advice
> Reduced operational and technical costs thanks to simple access to data
> Compliance with the new European regulatory framework on data governance