Data intermediaries: what added value for start-ups and industry players?

The recent status of data intermediary is enshrined in the European regulations on non-personal data (Data Governance Act - DGA) and the SREN law recently passed in France. As a trusted third party, its role is to secure and facilitate the circulation of data between its owners and users. Since its creation in 2020, and ahead of the regulations, this has been Agdatahub's mission through its EXCHANGE and CONSENT solutions.

The data intermediary helps to guarantee the controlled use of data and to balance the forces between players in a decentralised market1. In our sector, this means guaranteeing a climate of digital trust between the 400,000 French farms and their historical partners or the start-ups developing new digital services that can be data-intensive to operate, particularly with AI.

intermédiaire de données

Secure data transactions to support business use cases

It's quite simple: tomorrow (and even today!), in order to comply with European regulations, all players in the agricultural and agri-food sectors wishing to distribute or use data will be able to use a trusted third party capable of exposing their data and/or securing their data sourcing, whatever the format (file or API). This is already possible via the intermediation platform operated by Agdatahub.

To take transparency and farmers' control over the use of their data a step further, Agdatahub, with the support of its technology partners, has developed the first agricultural digital identity on which its consent management solution is based: Consent. It is currently being implemented and deployed on the MesParcelles FMIS.

L’idée ? S’assurer, d’une part, que les exploitations agricoles (via leurs gérants) autorisent leurs données à circuler et, d’autre part, fiabiliser les données en gardant une trace de leur origine. Les jeux de données pourront alors être exposés sur la plateforme d’échanges de données, dans le respect des autorisations, et venir alimenter les outils d’aide à la décision.

We need reliable, up-to-date data to develop the tools that will enable us to save natural resources in the agricultural sector, optimise the use of inputs, and improve working conditions and the economic performance of farms. So we all stand to gain!

  1. Agdatahub is one of the founding members of the Association pour l'Intermédiation de Données (AID), whose members are campaigning for the free movement of data within the European Union. ↩︎
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profession agricole
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