On 30 November 2021, a milestone was reached for non-personal data. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union have agreed on the scope of the Data Governance Act (in fact, the non-personal data equivalent of the GDPR) before its final adoption.

Why a European regulation of non-personal data?

Although the GDPR caused quite a stir when it was implemented, personal data only represents 20% of the digital data exchanged worldwide. The remaining 80% is business or commercial data which is, until now, unregulated.

The DGA is intended to regulate the data market in Europe in order to create a single European data space, which, in broad terms, will be based on the values of security, exchange and portability of data for interoperability purposes. One of its first objectives is to promote data sharing for innovation and consumer information.

« These are the same values that we have been promotingwithin Agdatahub since its creation by the actors of the agricultural world and the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation group), » recalls Sébastien Picardat, CEO of Agdatahub.

Sovereign technologies at the service of farmers and value chains

Indeed, Agdatahub operates the sovereign platform for agricultural data exchange API-Agro, which is based on the technology of the Lyon-based company Dawex. But no exchanges or, more broadly, no use of agricultural data, without the prior consent of farmers!

This is why Agdatahub is offering a digital identity for farms, in co-innovation with Orange Business Services and IN Groupe (ex-Imprimerie Nationale), which is intended to be deployed in the 10 million farms in Europe. Another free service available to farmers and breeders is the Agriconsent portal, which allows them to view the consents granted via the various consent managers on the market.

agdatahub cessation de paiements
profession agricole
Matinale AID