Press release

Agdatahub networks with ILVO (Flanders) and DataSpace Europe (Finland)

On Tuesday 18 June 2024, our French agricultural and agri-food data intermediation platform Agdatahub signed an agreement in Flanders (Belgium) with its Flemish counterparts ILVO (DjustConnect) and Finnish DataSpace Europe (Tritom). An initial use case involving potatoes is at the heart of this partnership. Other use cases involving the circulation of data should rapidly emerge to simplify the daily lives of farmers and improve their income.

The agreement that has just been signed between Agdatahub, ILVO and DataSpace Europe is a first step in the networking of national data exchange platforms within the European Union. For the first time, data-sharing platforms active in the agricultural and agri-food sector are linking up to form a transnational data space to facilitate data flows between Member States. This initiative is designed to solve the problems encountered by farmers and their partners throughout Europe.

ILVO Agdatahub DataSpace Europe
Signature de l’accord entre Agdatahub (France), ILVO (Flandre) et DataSpace Europe (Finlande). (© ILVO)

The three European platforms are committed to using the first successful interregional data flows to support more use cases, sectors and businesses across borders. The three partners aim to develop a European agricultural data space with efficient and fairly regulated connections between the different infrastructures.

Comment fonctionne l’échange de données ?

A data intermediation platform puts data holders in touch with potential consumers. By securing and simplifying the mass circulation of data, the aim is to unleash its potential for innovation. In compliance with European regulations, data from farms can only be exchanged if the farm manager from whom the data originates gives his or her permission for it to be used.

READ MORE: Agdatahub's infrastructure registered as an official data intermediary at European level

In recent years, around 80 platforms for sharing data in the agricultural and agri-food sector have been set up in Europe. These infrastructures facilitate the circulation of data between local players and act as data spaces on a national scale. Until now, it has been complicated to move data across borders. This requires companies to have the right contacts and to make multiple, costly connections with several platforms, each with different technical specifications, contracts and working methods. Networking platforms within a European dataspace addresses these issues.

"Data intermediation infrastructures must be able to be interconnected between all European Member States, in compliance with common governance. For the agricultural and agri-food sector, it is essential that data circulates and feeds useful solutions to increase farm incomes, improve the management of natural resources and inputs, and reduce the carbon footprint of production".

Sébastien Picardat, CEO of Agdatahub

An initial use case involving potatoes

An initial use case involving potato cultivation has led to the networking of the three data-sharing platforms Agdatahub, DjustConnect and DataSpace Europe.

Using its potato harvesters, Belgian machinery manufacturer AVR collects a huge amount of data: information on the fields farmed, potato varieties, yields, soil conditions, dates of operations in the field, etc. This data can be used in tools such as Agdatahub, DjustConnect and DataSpace Europe. This data can be used in decision-support tools for growers on a range of subjects: fertilisation, harvesting times, storage conditions, etc.

Thanks to the connection between Tritom (DataSpace Europe) and DjustConnect (ILVO), a Finnish farmer using an AVR machine can now easily consult the data coming from his equipment in his farm management system. The data can simply be transferred between the Belgian and Finnish platforms. The same is true in France, where farmers can now access data from their AVR machines and see it fed back into the MyEasyFarm software thanks to networking between ILVO and Agdatahub.

These two examples show just how important it is for agricultural data exchange infrastructures to be interconnected throughout the European Union, in order to simplify the day-to-day work of farmers and improve their incomes.

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profession agricole
Matinale AID
standardisation données agricoles